About Us
The Institute of Metals and Technology (IMT) was established in 1948 to provide support for the steel industry and became a public research institute in 1997. Its mission is to create new knowledge in the fields of metallurgy, metallic materials, nanoscience and nanotechnology, vacuum optoelectronics, metrology, engineering materials, environmental protection; transfer of knowledge to industry and training of young researchers. The general aim is to improve the quality of life and enable sustainable development.
The Institute primarily works in the field of research of metallic materials with an emphasis on research related to steel and aluminium alloys. The main activity of the institute is conducting high-quality research activities in the fields that are of national importance for Slovenia, have a high impact, are in the public interest and are expected to prosper also in the following decades. The main missions of the institute are basic and applied research, developmental and infrastructural activities according to the Research and Innovation Strategy of Slovenia.
The Institute provides basic scientific research according to three research programmes and the research infrastructure financed by the Slovenian Research Agency:
- P2-0132 Physics and chemistry of surfaces of metallic materials
- P2-0050 Metallic materials and technology
- P2-0056 Vacuum techniques and materials for electronics
- I0-0006 Research infrastructure activity IMT
The research at IMT is organised within three scientific-research departments: Physics and Chemistry of Materials, Metallic Materials and Technology, and Vacuum Science and Opto- Electronics.
IMT is a publisher of a periodic scientific journal Materiali in tehnologije - Metals and Technology (MIT), which publishes original and review scientific papers as well as technical news in theoretical and applied natural sciences and technologies from the fields of metallic and inorganic materials, polymers, vacuum technology and nanomaterials.