The Institute of Metals and Technology is involved in numerous international research and development programmes and projects:
- 4th EU Framework Programme: project HEMBOT
- 5th EU Framework Programme: projects RHEOLIGHT and SMARTWELD
- 6th EU Framework Programme: projects AMBIO, OPTHEAT, WEMESURF, EMRP IND12
- RFCS programme: project SAFSS
- Eureka: Project MiniMASS, MICROST, CELL -TI
- Projects with CEA
- Bilateral projects: Italy, Argentina, Brazil, USA, Austria, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Slovakia, Poland, Czech republic, Croatia, France, Russia
International cooperation with distinguished international universities and institutes:
- UC Berkeley, USA
- University del Sur Bahia Blanca, Argentina
- BALSERIO Institute, Bariloche, Argentina
- Catholic University Lueven, Belgium
- University of São Paulo, Brazil
- Montan University Leoben, Austria
- Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany
- M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
- Laboratories for pressure and vacuum: PTB, Germany, CMI, Czech Republic, INRIM, Italy, NIST, USA
The Institute of Metals and Technology has long-term experience in the field of metallurgy, metal materials, nanoscience and nanotechnology, vacuum optoelectronics and metrology, which has been successfully transferred to the Slovenian metallurgical and metal-processing industries, energy sector and other related areas:
- Metal Ravne, d. o. o.
- Štore Steel, d. o. o.
- Acroni, d. o. o.
- Impol, d. o. o.
- Talum, d. d.
- Unior Zreče, d. d.
- Hidria Rotomatika, d. o. o.
- Hidria AET, d. o. o.
- TPV, d. d.
- Domel, d. d.,
- Magneti, d. d.
- Iskra Mehanizmi, d. o. o.
- NEK, d. o. o.
- TEŠ, d. o. o.
- TEB, d. o. o.
- TE-TOL, d. o. o.
- Hilti AG
- and many others